1. You won’t have planned EVERYTHING, despite your best efforts

Even if you’re a consummate planner, these are some of the busiest times of your life, so you might not have had the time – or means – to look deeply into your trip as well as check the bridesmaid dresses, sort out the food, the cars, the souvenirs…need we go on? But, even if you haven’t crossed all your t’s and dotted all your i’s, don’t fret too much – it will all come out in the wash!

2. You might want some early nights – but not for the reasons you think

It’s supposed to be all about the sex, right? Well, no, not really. All that traipsing around and travelling might wear you out, so you might feel the need to go to bed a tad bit earlier than you would usually – and then wake up a bit earlier. And, you would deserve it – after all, we all need a little bit of TLC sometimes.

3. You might not feel chilled right away

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The run up to the wedding is a weirdly tiring time, with late nights and even earlier mornings; family to entertain; errands to run. So, you’d be forgiven if you don’t feel the adrenaline drop as soon as you get on that plane (particularly if you have a long-haul flight ahead of you). Give yourself a break and KNOW you will feel relaxed – it will just take a little bit of time.

4. You will not manage to see all the sights

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Are you the sort of couple which prepares lists upon lists of attractions, with opening times and exact dates, hours and minutes on a tight schedule? Well, we hate to break it to you – but it might not go according to plan, and you might not manage to squeeze all that in. But, that’s fine – prioritise and you will get to visit those you’ve always wanted to.

5. Things can go wrong…

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Related to the above, but broader in idea. There’s no guarantee that everything will go without a hitch (pardon the pun) and no guarantee that you will enjoy all of it (sorry!), but you can set up a plan in the eventuality that you don’t! For example, make sure you’ve taken out a proper insurance and have a backup schedule for those days when you don’t feel like walking around, exposed to the elements.

6. Your partner might annoy you

What, and you thought he or she were perfect? No one is. A more realistic idea of who your partner is will do wonders for your marriage (though, you should really know this before you walk up the aisle). Indeed, your new spouse can moan constantly about their pinched feet, or want to stop and eat every two hours – think of this as training…in fortitude.

7. You will eat much more than you think!

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The joys of travelling is not only experiencing new places, but also sampling different cuisines. It would be a shame to travel to the other side of the world and not taste a morsel of your host country’s specialities. Make the most of it by venturing outside your culinary comfort zone – and, perhaps, take some delicacies home with you!

8. You will have some quirky memories to look back on

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You’ve just gotten hitched, and this trip follows a hectic time for both you and your partner. So, mishaps, and comedy moments – which happen when you’re unaware and winding down – may actually happen. Embrace them and you’ll laugh hysterically at the goofiness of it all once you get back.

9. You might miss it…while you’re still on it!

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Many times, you know something special is happening right when it’s actually happening! There will come moments when you’re struck by self-awareness and realise that, no, you will never go back to this time and place and you will never be on honeymoon ever again…well, unless you recreate it every year!

10. You might need another holiday when you get home!

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The trip back is a long one. By the time you arrive, you’re dishevelled, shattered and cannot wait till the next trip! This does not only apply if you’re travelling from far – indeed, the prospect of going back to work and settling into normality is a daunting one at best. Fear not, however – there are plenty more trips to look forward to in the future.

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