There are many reasons to elope – wanting to marry on a budget, hating the idea of a big wedding, loving travel, shyness, or even difficult family situations. Here are a few dos and don’ts to help you have a wonderful wedding, even if it’s on the unconventional side.


1. Make sure this is really what you want to do

Deciding to elope is a big decision which will not only affect you but also your family and friends. It’s okay and totally normal to be a bit nervous, but you have to be positive that it’s what you really want.

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2. Book an elopement package

Elopement packages are typically offered by destination wedding venues around the world. They include everything you’ll need to legally tie the knot for one price, and handle most of the logistics, which means you just have to show up and say I Do. Simple!

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3. Make it personal

Eloping means that you’re under a lot less pressure to have the traditional elements of a wedding. Want to wear a sequinned catsuit instead of a big white dress? Or get matching finger tattoos instead of exchanging rings? Go nuts.

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4. Prepare for the fact that not everyone will be completely thrilled

When you eventually go back home, you’ll have to break the news to your family and friends and some may be upset about your decision. But your decision is final, and you have to let them know this firmly.

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5. Plan a small event back home to celebrate

A small post-wedding celebration with your nearest and dearest to celebrate the fact that you’re now married will go a long way to ease any hard feelings.

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1. Feel guilty

Many people elope not just because it’s romantic, but because they want to avoid the stress of planning an all-out wedding. But if you think your decision will have you feeling guilty and regretful, it may cause you even more mental anguish than the process of planning a traditional wedding – so think twice.

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2. Skip over the legal details

If you’re getting married abroad, you have to know all about the legalities of getting married there, including how long you need to register in advance, what ID and paperwork you need to bring, and whether the marriage will be valid back home. Don’t forget to pick up your marriage certificate before heading back.

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3. Expect it to be super-cheap

While it certainly won’t be as expensive as an all-out wedding, it probably won’t be as cheap as you’re envisioning it either. Come up with a budget that you’re willing to spend and work around that.

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4. Compare your wedding to other couples

An elopement is obviously a very particular kind of wedding, and it won’t look like everybody else’s. To some people, that’s the appeal, but you may find yourself comparing it to more mainstream weddings, and wishing you had done it differently. This is why it’s important to be satisfied with your decision to elope before taking the plunge.

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5. Expect gifts

The people closest to you will probably still get you a gift to congratulate you on your wedding, but many others won’t, and that’s okay too.

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