1. Go all romantic

For that classic tale of romance, choose tulle and floral detailing for your flower girl dresses. You don’t need to go for pink – just make sure the little one is comfortable and happy in what she’s wearing.

2. Long ribbons

A trend for young and old, long ribbons are great in photos, and give an ethereal feel to your day. They are also lots of fun when playing catch…

3. Choose a dress she can wear again…and again…

The dress does not need to be too stiff or too formal. Choose something she feels confident in – but which is not too OTT – for ultimate re-wearability!

4. It doesn’t have to be a dress!

Well or a skirt for that matter! But, we do love this star-studded cloud of candy floss!

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5. Simple is best

Weddings, as you’ve now discovered, are extremely expensive, so minimise the costs by going simple. This does not mean just choosing something without any thought. Rather, opt for natural materials and organic fabrics.

6. Redo the ‘70s

A bucolic decade if ever there was one (in style at any rate), the ‘70s are a stunning source of inspiration for the boho bride who wants to inject a sense of the heady free-wheeling look that characterised this anti-establishment force.

7. Bespoke it!

For a match truly made in heaven, why not have the flower dress made from the very same fabric used to create your gown?

8. And definitely don’t forget the flowers!

Hair wreaths are not only in vogue for the grown-ups. And you don’t need to go for white blooms either, though a pastel colour is more suitable. Match the blossoms in her hair with those in her bouquet for ultimate cute-ability!

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