Commissioner for the Rights of Persons with Disability, Oliver Scicluna, and his wife Angela first became parents on December 13th 2016 to son Declan, and the new year (and decade) has brought a fresh addition to their family, with the arrival of a second son yesterday.

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Oliver took to Facebook to share the happy news: “Today was a very, very long day. Angela just gave birth to our 2nd baby boy, now our youngest AND he will be called AIDAN,” he wrote, adding that both wife and baby were doing well.


Oliver also expressed his excitement at introducing older brother Declan to the new-born: “I’m sure that Declan can’t wait to meet his little bro,” he wrote.

He concludes by thanking the hospital staff for their great work: “The people working here are heroes, literally heroes. They do 1000% more then they’re expected to do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Congratulations to the Scicluna family of four!

Oliver Scicluna/Facebook

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