Yesterday, TV presenter Stephanie Spiteri heartbreakingly opened her show, ‘Illum ma’ Steph’ by talking about the recent passing of her father.

Her dad sadly passed away three days ago after a battle with Parkinson’s Disease.

“I want to thank everyone for showing so much respect”, Stephanie said.

“You know that day when he’s not there anymore is coming, but still, it’s extremely difficult when it comes around,” she continued, holding back tears.

Stephanie noted that she received over 15,000 messages of condolences.

The presenter noted that her dad would often tell her that ‘the show must go on’, hence why she returned to her job so quickly after experiencing such a tragic loss.

So sorry for your loss, Stephanie!

Main Images: Instagram/Stephanie Spiteri

                       YouTube/Illum Ma' Steph

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