Locals Ivan and Simone De Battista are celebrating their 20th anniversary today! In honour of this special day, Ivan penned a sweet note, recalling all the memories of their big day.

“It had rained all week!” Ivan starts off, recalling that the week of their big day was filled with bad weather, but thankfully, it all cleared up for the day. “That day was going to be special, and the morning sun showed that.”

“You start getting ready, and although you would have prepared for it, you don’t know what’s going to happen exactly. Photos, hugs, videos, toasts, cards, presents... and all of a sudden, a luxurious car stops in front of your house to take you to the church, where all those preparations come to fruition,” he says, remembering the feeling of getting to the church and walking down that red carpet, and waiting for his bride with his brother, the witness.

 “At 11am, a girl wearing ivory shows up, her face covered with a veil. She walks arm-in-arm with her father (God rest his soul). You could see the smile from the altar.”

“At the altar, you vow to be loyal to each other, the rings are worn – the seal of love,” he continues, remembering then the journey to the reception hall. “You both end up on people’s shoulders, who push you together to plant a kiss on the girl who has now become your wife. “A big applause, the doors open, tears and waving from the parents, you get in the luxurious car and from then begins married life.”

“You cannot believe that after five years of dating each other, you would have arrived here. And today, 20 years have gone by from that day,” Ivan shares. “Luv u Sim... Awguri!” he says, wishing his wife a very happy anniversary.

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