For your engagement photos:

1. Take a variety of outfits…and you can keep it casual!

What are you going to wear? No question was ever so loaded as this one on the day you’re set to take those engagement shots. But, no need to choose one – just take a maximum of three different options, each one with a different mood, and see which you feel most comfortable with closer to the time.

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2. Scout the location(s):

Always know where you’re going to have these images taken, so visit the site beforehand. Look out for basic amenities (such as a place to change, if need be; or toilet facilities) as well as a spot to grab a cuppa if you need one. And, make sure the area is safe!

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3. Run through it

The photographer may have some ideas for the day, so run though all the details with them, pointing out anything you may not feel the most comfortable with. And, don’t be afraid to suggest any changes (even if it’s to the price!).

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4. Get a photographer you trust on board

Shop around. There are actually plenty of engagement and wedding photographers on the island nowadays so there’s no need to limit yourself. Give yourself a deadline, prior to having booked; check out their images and reach out for honest feedback. The more information you have, the more confident you will be – and this will show in the images themselves!

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5. Imagine it’s just the two of you

You may feel self-conscious in front of the camera but make as if its not there, by thinking of your partner and of all the adventures you’re about to embark on. And, whatever you do, don’t let your mind wander to all the tasks you’ve got left to do in the run up to the big day: they will happen. Just chill.

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For your wedding photos:

1. Focus on your family and friends

This may be your day, but the priority is to savour it with the love of your closest relatives and best mates. Gather all of them around you and show off your biggest smiles!

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2. Communicate

Wedding photographers can get a tad annoying following you EVERYWHERE! Some are even frustrated filmmakers who are intent on directing the proceedings. This can be a source of worry and stress, but you need to communicate and let them know if you need some space. Make sure the pace is what you and your spouse feel most comfortable with.

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3. Outline the ‘rules of the game’

Before you confirm your photographer, make sure you get the low-down on their working style and you have a chat about what you expect, letting them know what you absolutely do not want. This extends to attitude on the day (“see, but don’t be seen” is a good adage) as well as the content of the images themselves.

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4. Play some music

If you get nervous when taking photos on a good day – let alone on a day surrounded by everyone you know – you might want to ask the band to play some specific songs which may make you feel more comfortable. And, a comfortable bride, is a happy one.

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5. Have your bridal party on standby

Touch-ups? Check. A quick mop of the brow? Check. Your new spouse will be there but, hey, they might be nervous too! Make sure you have the support you need by getting your bridesmaids and groomsmen to give you a bit of a helping hand with whatever you may need as the photographer snaps away.

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