Food & Drink
18th May 2017
The 10 Foods You’ll Find at Every Maltese Wedding
Because there ain’t no party like a Maltese wedding party.
The delicious but humble pastizz may seem a bit earthy compared to more refined wedding food offerings available today. But would you want to be the one to break it to Nanna that there are neither any tal-pizelli nor tal-irkotta on the menu?
Angels on Horseback
Was I the only one who was totally perplexed by the name of this party food staple as a child? Anyway, don’t expect them to move off the Malta wedding menus any time soon because BACON.
The awkward moment when you ask the waiter what the mysterious meat on a stick is and they just shrug because it’s their second wedding of the day and they really can’t be bothered with your enquiries and you have to make a snap decision whether to take a chance on the unidentifiable meat or wait for the safer option of shrimp boats to come by again.
Shrimp Boats
Would it be a Maltese wedding without shrimp boats? Minimally messy and gone in two quick bites, their single flaw is that they leave you holding on to the inedible shrimp tail, desperately looking around for a bin or a potted plant (don’t do that).
Spring Rolls
The age-old question – have they cooled down enough to eat or will the searingly hot vegetable bits inside scald your mouth so badly that all you can taste for the next fifteen minutes will be lava?
Chicken wrap rolls
I always take one and always regret it mid-bite because the outside is always so weirdly stodgy and clammy. The last thing wedding food should be is damp.
Mini caprese bites
When you take one of these and feel proud because you’re managing to #eatclean at a wedding (salad on a stick, right?) only to have your resolve defeated by the arrival of the sausage rolls.
Sausage rolls
Mini sausage rolls are like the friends you grew up with. They were at your christening party, your first Holy Communion party, your Confirmation party, assorted birthday parties and now they are part of your special day too! Some friendships really do last forever.
Another fave of nanniet who are still bewildered by molecular ice cream.
Wedding cake with icing two inches thick
The cake itself is delicious but that chunky coating of icing makes the fillings in your teeth jangle just by looking at it. Naked cakes for life!