In the early hours of 11th August, Ben Camille and Xtina welcomed their second child together: Baby George, who they named after Xtina’s late father. Ben shared footage of what went down the night of their son’s birth, with the theme of the video being surprise, shock and a whole lot of emotion.
“I’m so in shock. I did not expect it tonight,” Xtina said at the start of the four-minute video, which Ben simply captioned with, “Xtina you are a superstar.”
Ben also shared some tips for partners of pregnant women. He says it is best to take up the bags straight away and also shows the best place to park.
Xtina’s positivity shined through, but like every expectant mother, emotions hit hard, saying, “I wasn’t ready” since she wasn’t expecting to give birth that night. Ben was by her side, reassuring her that she’ll be ok, managing to crack her up a little.
“Kristina kept pushing and when she was just about to give up, she pushed some more,” Ben wrote in the video. “The will power and strength of women is simply unmatchable...And then just like that at 8.03am, baby George was born.”
Happy tears, laughs, giggles followed as the video shares glimpses of Baby George. “Do you want to tell everyone his name?” Ben is heard saying as he films his wife and son. “Baby George like my Papa,” Xtina says emotionally. “What would your Papa do if he was here?” Ben asks. “Ooh Madonna, cry, call everybody, carcade with the horn, balloons, kollox,” Xtina shares in true Maltese style, sharing memories of her father.
Ben thanked the midwives at Mater Dei at shared some final sweet moments with Xtina and George, saying they are very much looking forward to getting home and seeing their daughter, Elle’s reaction.
Watch the emotional video here:
Congratulations to the family!